WOMAN They comment on everything - like, wildly inappropriate. "Oh, my God, Sophie. He's so hot." With, like, 10 exclamation marks. "Where have you been hiding him?" ONSCREEN TEXT What I wish my parents knew about...SOCIAL MEDIA. WOMAN 2 In my generation, I think everyone's expected to have Facebook. And if you don't have Facebook you're kind of, like, weird or an outcast. WOMAN Part of the way I interact with my friends is through messaging them, and it's not just purely face-to-face interaction, like maybe when she was growing up. As a parent, you probably have to have some kind of empathy, and think when you were 16, if you had your friends over for a little party or something, would you really want your parents coming in and, like, joining in on the conversation and trying to hang out? Social media is the way that young people hang out today. MAN I'm happy for Mum to say, "Oh, you look good in this picture," in a conversation. That's...that's fine. But, er, in front of everyone, it does get pretty embarrassing. WOMAN I would say for parents, my advice would be probably just don't comment. WOMAN 2 I still find it OK if she looks at my photos. But not necessarily if she likes every one of my photos. That's just a bit too much. WOMAN Over-commenting on random things like, "What a beautiful shot of you and your friend," when they don't know the friend. WOMAN 2 My mum got on Instagram. It was so embarrassing. I didn't want her on Instagram. It wasn't like I had anything to hide. It was just the sheer embarrassment that my mum was on Instagram. WOMAN My mum's always just saying to me, "Oh, you know, I just think if you got off Facebook your life would be so much better, just so much simpler..." Like, I don't think she's quite caught onto the fact that Facebook is just part of socialising today. MAN My mum loves the short, like, language - say, like, "OMG. HRU. LOL." So when she uses those, that's...that's, er...that's a no-go. Mum, we definitely, us kids, have to tell her that, yeah, there's some things that you should keep private and some things that...go for gold.