- I'm Dr. Bill Kefalas, I'm the Medical Director of the University of New South Wales health service. So it's very important to set up a lifestyle that's going to be conducive to lowering your stress levels and keeping you healthy. Having a good healthy diet, eating lots of vegetables and fruit, and having a regular meal, getting to sleep around the same time every night, try and get up around the same time every day, maybe get outside for a bit of exercise, have a plan, like talk to your teachers, talk to your friends. The most important thing that a good GP will do is listen to you. They'll want to explore all of the symptoms that you might have, and if there are physical symptoms, they will check you. Check your blood pressure and give you a physical checkup, maybe even do some blood tests. They'll also ask about what else might be happening in your life, whether there's other things that are causing stress, and help you to solve them. If needed, they can refer you to more experienced psychological counsellors or psychologists who will be able to help you. Occasionally young people go to a GP and they're not satisfied with the consultation. Might be quite a short consultation or they just feel they don't get on with the GP or they feel that the GP wasn't listening to them. So in our system here, it's quite okay to go and try to find another GP who will listen to you and who will answer your questions and help you solve your problems.