The idea behind it, the flexibility and that it is a free parenting program is fantastic. I think parents need a lot of support and if we can get our kids healthy they are going to be much more resilient adults.
*Parent name and image are pseudonyms to protect their privacy.
One-on-one support at a time that works for you.
We provide support session where you can explore any concerns you have with your teenager (12-18) and lay out an action plan to see real results.
Free service
100% free, funded by the government.
Anytime, anywhere
Service is phone and computer based.
Expert coaches
Specialise in social work, psychology and health.
Privacy ensured
Your privacy is encrypted and secured.
About us
ReachOut is Australia’s leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. Helping 1.6 million Australians every year.
The Benevolent Society
The Benevolent Society is Australia’s first charity and provides the coaches for this program. They are experts in family and parenting support.
Federal Government
This service is funded by the Australian federal government.