Its time to talk about January 26

By ReachOut Content Team
Published 24 November 2023

aboriginal and australian flags

With all the debate swirling around about changing the date of 'Australia Day', it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when chatting to your teenager about it. But, if possible, try not to shy away from having political discussions with your teen. It’s a great opportunity to show your teen that you respect them and that you’re there for more than lifts and laundry! It’s also a chance to share your history and experience with them.

January 26 is the day the First Fleet arrived in Port Jackson. It’s a distressing day for some people as it marks the loss of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land and culture. While the debate around changing the date isn’t new, community advocacy means this year the conversation is growing even louder.

One example of this is when Triple J announced its iconic Hottest 100 celebration has been moved from Australia Day after an online survey showed the majority of its listeners supported the date change.

Whether you celebrate, mourn, march or ignore Australia Day, it’s a great opportunity to have a chat with your teenager. Here are some links we found to kickstart the discussion.

Conversation starters

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