Find treatment and support for eating disorders

Published 24 November 20232 minute read

Over the shoulder of girl using ReachOutcom on laptop

There are services that exist specifically to provide support for eating disorders across Australia. Below you will find the services available in your state and details on how to contact them.

If you need to talk to somebody right now you can find the Parent Line number for your state here.

National services

The Butterfly Foundation

The Butterfly Foundation provides personalised coping strategies and support for eating disorders, and information to help increase your understanding of the illness. They also offer guidance on treatment options and connections with other services and specialists.

National Eating Disorder Collaboration

The National Eating Disorder Collaboration is a great resource for up to date information and research on eating disorders and support services.


Eating Disorders Victoria

Eating Disorders Victoria is a state-based source of support, information, community education and advocacy for people with eating disorders and their families.

New South Wales

See information for The Butterfly Foundation above.


Eating Disorders QLD (EDQ)

EDQ is a community-based organisation offering a range of therapies, including early intervention short-term programs and support for carers. People over the age of 16 with eating issues can also access up to 20 sessions of individual therapy, or join a 10-week group therapy program.

  • Phone: 07 3844 6055

South Australia

Statewide Eating Disorder Service (SEDS)

SEDS provide assessment, care and information for people living with an eating disorder, and their wider support community. They also provide a paediatric service for those under 15.

  • Phone: 08 7117 8800

Centacare Catholic Family Services Adelaide

The EDSS service provides a range of non-clinical support services for people living with eating disorders, body image concerns or unhelpful relationships with food, and those who care for them.

Western Australia

Luma (formerly Women's Health Works)

Luma (formerly Women's Health Works) provides a community-based, peer-supported eating disorder service that runs an 8-week youth program for people aged 16 to 20, as well as a range of group and individual programs for those over 18. The service also runs one-day workshops, group programs, and monthly meet-ups for carers of those living with eating disorders.

Centre for Clinical Interventions

The Centre for Clinical Interventions offers free, family-based therapy treatment for adolescents with anorexia at a specialist clinical psychology clinic, located in Perth.


See information for The Butterfly Foundation above.

Northern Territory

See information for The Butterfly Foundation above.