Ask an expert: Social Anxiety Disorder in teenagers

By Nasalifya Namwinga, Doug Whyte
Published 20 March 2025

Social Anxiety Disorder is a common mental health condition that can have a significant impact on teenagers. It can be isolating and overwhelming, but with the right support and strategies, your teen can build confidence and learn to manage their anxiety. 

We asked clinical psychologist Nasalifya Namwinga to answer your common questions about Social Anxiety Disorder, and to share her insights and advice.

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How does Social Anxiety Disorder impact teens? 

As Nasalifya explains, Social Anxiety Disorder (also called Social Phobia) is more than just shyness or nervousness. ‘It’s an intense fear of being judged or embarrassed in social situations.’ 

For teens, this can make everyday activities – going to school, meeting new people, spending time with friends, or just being out and about in public – feel really overwhelming.

What are the causes of Social Anxiety Disorder?

Like many mental health conditions, Social Anxiety Disorder doesn’t have a single cause. It’s often a combination of factors that come into play, such as: 

While every teen is different, recognising these contributing factors can help you to understand what your teen is going through and how best to support them.

What are the signs of Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social Anxiety Disorder can show up in different ways. Here are some common signs to look out for in your teen:

  • They are avoiding social events or public places.

  • They feel really self-conscious around others. 

  • They have withdrawn from activities they used to enjoy.

  • They are struggling to make or maintain friendships.

  • They experience physical symptoms before and during social situations – sweating, trembling, nausea, a racing heart, chest tightening, stomach aches, blushing or stammering.

  • They overthink conversations and worry excessively about what people think of them (even long after an interaction).

If you’re noticing these signs, it’s an indicator that your teen might need some extra support.

How can I help my teen manage Social Anxiety Disorder?

Nasalifya suggests the following five strategies as a way to build your teen’s confidence.

  1. Work on gradual exposure. Sit down with your teen and make a list of social situations that cause them anxiety. Rank them from least to most challenging, then work through them one by one, chatting about strategies that have worked for them and building a toolkit from there. 

  2. Encourage healthy habits. Simple lifestyle habits like exercising, eating healthily and getting quality sleep help to create a strong base for relieving stress and anxiety when it comes up. You could also try out mindfulness exercises together.

  3. Role-play and prepare. Practise common social interactions at home. This can be as simple as practising introducing themselves, starting a conversation or asking follow-up questions.

  4. Break things down. Big social situations can feel daunting. Help your teen to break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. For example, instead of socialising with a big group, they could aim to say hello just to one person. 

  5. Celebrate the small wins! Positive reinforcement can motivate your teen to keep pushing forward. Celebrate every bit of progress they make (no matter how small).

What extra support is available for my teen?

If your teen’s anxiety is interfering with their daily life, professional support is a good next step. 

Seeing a GP is a great starting point. They can assess your teen’s symptoms, provide guidance, and chat about treatment options such as medication and therapy.

A GP can also refer your teen to a mental health professional. They can work with your teen to understand what might be driving their anxiety, help them to build coping strategies, and encourage them to explore therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy or exposure therapy. 

Remember, your teen might find it really hard to manage the social aspects of seeking support. You could offer to help with booking an appointment, or you could sit with them while they do it or accompany them on their visit. Just let them take the lead in how much they want you to be involved.

Supporting a teen with Social Anxiety Disorder can be challenging, but by taking the time to understand what they’re going through and offering support, you can make a really big difference.

As Nasalifya points out, online, phone and chat services can also be really helpful options. You could connect your teen with services such as: 

  • Telehealth – many GPs and mental health professionals offer this service.

  • Lifeline – call 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14 or use the Lifeline online chat.

  • Kids Helpline – call 1800 55 1800 or use the Kids Helpline online chat.

  • 13YARN (for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) – call 13 92 76 or visit the 13Yarn website.

Alongside this, you could encourage your teen to connect with peers who have been through similar experiences. Some great low-pressure options include:

  • the ReachOut Online Community – a safe space where they can share experiences, learn from others and support each other

  • ReachOut PeerChat – where young people aged 16–25 can chat online for free with a trained peer worker.

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